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M.T. Liepke - In her arms (2001) |
Certains de ses tableaux font aujourd'hui partie des collections du Brooklyn Museum et du Smithsonian.
Le plus souvent, dans l'intimité de l'alcôve ou la solitude de bars bondés, son oeuvre explore les sentiments de la relation amoureuse, la tendresse, l'abandon - dans tous les sens du terme - ou la désillusion.
"Although I do think about the things I am expressing, I try to make it as direct as I can - I try not to get in the way of the emotions... In essence, I believe that no matter how alone we may feel in the world, we all share the same human experiences. We all have the same basic needs for connection, love, and understanding.[....]
[....] I try to reach those universal needs; it's what's primal in art. I try to say it through mood, color, atmosphere, and texture. It's difficult to express through words things that are so beautiful that they have no words. I can't explain it. I have to paint it."
Sous les coups de brosse affirmés, la texture est épaisse. Les nuances parfois grossières, imparfaites et comme délibérément malhabiles, sont en fin de compte pleines d'humanité, comme les sentiments et les émotions qu'elles dépeignent.
"The biggest thing about my art is getting my mind to open to the point where it comes tumbling out. I can't think about brushstrokes. If I think too consciously, my arm freezes up."
Mais au fait......, Malcolm Liepke connait-il le travail de Ed Van der Elsken ?